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I love chocolate especially at Tuesday, July 12, 2011 | back to top, baby

I love chocolate especially at Monday, July 11, 2011 | back to top, baby

I love chocolate especially at | back to top, baby

I love chocolate especially at Sunday, August 9, 2009 | back to top, baby

happy birthday MAMA lily...
we love you so much.. have a blessed years ahead ma,,, thank you for showing us your warmth love.. we are so thankful to have U as our mother.. are now 46 years old... good luck to your journey.. i love you mama.. sorry for all the bad things i've done unto you...muah. muah.muah....... myspace graphic comments
my new year resolution
I love chocolate especially at Thursday, January 8, 2009 | back to top, baby


_My New Year Resolution_

2008 folded and another year of my life came, welcome 2009. Since it’s another year for me here on this problematic yet wonderful world I would like to make my daily living better than what I used to. So I would like to make some real resolutions that would certainly help me make this year better than ever. :D

First, I want to make a good relationship with God. In fact, I started going to church every Sunday.
Second, I want to shake off my most hated attitude ``PANGINGIDIAN``. To be honest, a lot of people hate me because I don’t usually show up whenever I have a so-called ``Appointment`` and it really causes me trouble.
Third, I want to avoid flinging with my crushes. I just want to be faithful.
Fourth, I want to be early in going to school. Being late brings my marks in jeopardy.
Fifth, I want to lessen my time on computer games. It makes me pretty idle, and it also makes me feel always tired.
Sixth, I want to be more on being sporty. I want to have a regular exercise to be healthier.
Seventh, I want to spend more time on my studies. I want to earn higher marks somehow.
Eight, I want to avoid going home late. I usually go home late; I want to change it now. I Promise.
Ninth, but not the least I want to be nice to everyone here on earth. Thank you.

I hope i will grant it all!
I love chocolate especially at Saturday, January 3, 2009 | back to top, baby


Craig & Jane's Predictions for 2009

Our Predictions for 2009 have been submitted to Spirit & Destiny magazine on 9th October 2008 for publication in the January issue 2009

Check for date authenticity and archived pages at

1. There will be an assassination attempt on Barack Obama
(UPDATE: Looks like this one may have happened before the 2009 date predicted. There was a neo-nazi assassination plot foiled on 27th October 2008. Note that these predictions were posted on the 9th October 2008)
2. There will be serious tensions within Europe as the Euro free falls with both France and Germany threatening to leave.
3. Gordon Brown will be forced out of office and an early election will be called.
4. A number of C of E bishops and senior ecclesiastical leaders convert to Catholicism simultaneously threatening to undermine the very existence of the church.
5. There is a world wide rekindling of socialist ideals and a major swing back towards communism in Russia.
6. There will be a major terrorist attack in Dubai
7. There will be a serious pollution problem in France – possibly in Paris with the contamination of the River Seine. Also a dam will burst in the Far East – maybe China.
8. Britain sees many of its top companies go bust and in particular holiday firms, aviation companies and the building companies.
9. Victoria Beckham will become pregnant with a long awaited daughter. And Jordan will announce she’s pregnant too.
10. There will be a knife attack on a top celebrity

Your PredictionsYour Predictions for 2009

Join our online forum and make your own psychic predictions for 2009. Can you see the future? Do you know what will happen to the economy in 2009? Will house prices fall in 2009? Will there be a recession in 2009? Let us know about your insights about politics, the economy, the world crisis and far more important things such as the cricket scores and showbiz marriages in 2009.

World Predictions
See other predictions for 2009 and add your comments
I love chocolate especially at Sunday, December 14, 2008 | back to top, baby

The first Person who greet me in Christmas

was my mother she greet me around 5 am in the morning December 13,2008 and im so happy that time!