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my new year resolution
I love chocolate especially at Thursday, January 8, 2009 | back to top, baby


_My New Year Resolution_

2008 folded and another year of my life came, welcome 2009. Since it’s another year for me here on this problematic yet wonderful world I would like to make my daily living better than what I used to. So I would like to make some real resolutions that would certainly help me make this year better than ever. :D

First, I want to make a good relationship with God. In fact, I started going to church every Sunday.
Second, I want to shake off my most hated attitude ``PANGINGIDIAN``. To be honest, a lot of people hate me because I don’t usually show up whenever I have a so-called ``Appointment`` and it really causes me trouble.
Third, I want to avoid flinging with my crushes. I just want to be faithful.
Fourth, I want to be early in going to school. Being late brings my marks in jeopardy.
Fifth, I want to lessen my time on computer games. It makes me pretty idle, and it also makes me feel always tired.
Sixth, I want to be more on being sporty. I want to have a regular exercise to be healthier.
Seventh, I want to spend more time on my studies. I want to earn higher marks somehow.
Eight, I want to avoid going home late. I usually go home late; I want to change it now. I Promise.
Ninth, but not the least I want to be nice to everyone here on earth. Thank you.

I hope i will grant it all!